October is flyin' by!

My poor blog has been neglected lately - I really have been busy and just now getting to post some. So, what have I been up to? First off, I have been trying to take a few "snapshots" of my kids a couple times a week - I have found that the more I learn about photography the less everyday snapshots I take of my kids - I try too hard to get the technical aspects right and miss out on the important things! So, here are my technically not perfect, but adorable pics of the loves of my life:

In case any of my viewers care to see my big ol' belly:

I got the chance to meetup with a fellow photographer friend - she took some photos of my kids and I and I got to photograph her adorable boys:

And, then I got to meet another friend and take pictures of her adorable family:


babyhellfire October 19, 2008 at 2:22 AM  

OMG all that gorgeous blonde hair!
Look at your belly!! cute!!
Beautiful pics